Friday, July 26, 2013

Blueberry Picking!

The kids and I went with my friend Rebecca and her kids blueberry picking this morning.  Wyatt had a blast.  He was a very good helper and helped me fill our bucket to the top with blueberries.  He did do some taste testing while he was picking!  Tanner's favorite part was eating them!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Family Vacation

Last weekend we went to Cannon Beach, Oregon for a family vacation.  The boys had so much fun.  The weather was a little cooler then home.  We were able to hang out on the beach for awhile even though it was a little chilly.  Our hotel had a heated swimming pool that the kids loved!  We bought Wyatt some new floaties and he was so excited that he could swim all by himself!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beach Fun

My friend Rebecca and I took the kids to a little beach near our homes.  It is called Cottonwood beach near the Columbia River.  The kids had so much fun playing in the sand and water!  We even  had a picnic lunch on the beach.

Tanner Walking

Tanner took his first steps one week after his birthday.  He wasn't very interested in walking since.  He just wanted to crawl because it was faster.  This past weekend he just started walking all around!  Here is a quick video I got of him.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Lightning McQueen

We took Grandpa and Grandma Immel to the car show in downtown Camas when they were here.  Wyatt saw Lightning McQueen there. He was super excited!

Friday, July 5, 2013


We took the kids on their first camping trip last weekend.  We went to Nehalem Bay State Park on the Oregon Coast.  Wyatt loved playing on the beach and playing with his trucks in the dirt by our campsite.  His favorite part was running from the waves in the ocean.  He didn't want to leave the water.  Tanner wasn't so sure about the water, but loved playing in the sand on the beach.  Overall it was a great weekend.  We are looking forward to camping again with friends this time in late summer!

Happy 4th of July!

Our neighborhood has a small kids parade where the kids decorate and ride their bikes around the block.  This year they had a fire truck come and lead the kids around.  After the parade they let the kids play in the fire truck.  Wyatt was so excited!  Wyatt also got to stay up late this year and watch some fireworks.  There is a picture of  him with his first sparkler.