Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from Wyatt and Tanner!

Making Valentines

Wyatt was very interested in Valentine's Day this year.  He wanted to make valentines for all his friends that we play with.  Here are some pictures of him working hard making them.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wyatt's 1st Dentist Appointment!

Today I took Wyatt to the dentist for the first time.  He did very well!  The hygienist first showed him all the tools she was going to use and let him use them.  He wanted to put on a glove and she showed him how the air could blow it up on his hand.  He thought that was very funny!  Then she took him to get some x-rays.  She then gave him some cool sunglasses to wear and he got to watch a movie on the ceiling while she cleaned his teeth.  He was so excited to pick a new toothbrush and get his bag full of stuff at the end.  He even got to pick a toy at the end.  I was so proud of him!  It was a great experience for him!

Putting on the glove.

Using the air tool to blow up the glove.

Using the water tool to fill up a cup.

Using the suction tool to "drink up" the water.

Getting x-rays.

Watching the movie.

Proud smile with all his goodies!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Snow Day!

We had a "winter storm" yesterday and ended up with about 3 inches of snow.  Wyatt was so excited to go outside and play in it.  It was all he could talk about yesterday.  This morning it was pretty nice out with the sun shinning so I took them outside to play.  They had so much fun!  Wyatt kept saying "I love playing in the snow Mommy!"  When we came inside we had hot chocolate to warm us up!

Wyatt making his snow angel

Playing with dump trucks and bulldozers

Enjoying hot chocolate

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dance Party!

Wyatt and Tanner love to dance all the time.  Here is a video we got of them dancing the other night!

Park Play

The past couple weeks at our house (not this week!) it was in the high 40's and sunny.  The boys spent lots of time outside playing.  They love to go play on our neighborhood playground with their friend Spencer.  Here are a few pictures we got of them playing.