Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wyatt riding his bike!

We bought Wyatt a balance bike for his birthday.  Now that the weather has been nice more often, he has a lot of time to ride it.  He is getting really good at picking up his feet and balancing on the bike.  I think he will be ready for a two-wheeler really soon!

Visit with Grandma Immel and Great Aunt Joan

Grandma Immel and Aunt Joan came out to visit us.  Wyatt and Tanner had so much fun with them!  We took them to see the Japanese Gardens and to Multnomah Falls.  Here are some pictures that I got from when they were here.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dinosaur Exhibit

We took Wyatt and Tanner to Jurassic Quest last weekend since Wyatt really likes dinosaurs.  There was a display of large animatronic dinosaurs that Wyatt really enjoyed and that made Tanner cry.  Wyatt got to ride a dinosaur, a triceratops.  Wyatt later noted that other kids got to ride a T-Rex (his favorite) but Daddy got in the wrong line.  There was a bounce house that Tanner enjoyed several times.  Wyatt and Tanner did an archaeological dig and uncovered several large dinosaur bones and this seemed to be their favorite activity.  We picked up a pack of dinosaurs to take home that are getting a lot of play. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Announcement!

We are thrilled to announce that Wyatt and Tanner will be having a little SISTER join them in July!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tanner's Haircut!

Jeff has trimmed Tanner's hair at home a few times.  We decided it was time to take him in for his first real haircut.  He was a little unsure at first, but sat very well for his haircut.  His favorite part was getting a sucker at the end! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Making Cupcakes!

Last week we went to a mom's group play date, and someone gave us a box of chocolate peanut butter cupcake mix.  Wyatt was so excited, and couldn't stop talking about making the cupcakes.  Wyatt, Tanner and I made them together.