Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Madelynn is 1 month old!

Yesterday Madelynn turned one month old!  She is becoming more alert every day.  She is so strong and can hold her head up pretty well already.  She is a really good baby and doesn't cry much.  The boys are loving having a baby sister.  Wyatt is always wanting to help with her and Tanner loves to sing to her.  We all feel very blessed to have her.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Madelynn is 2 weeks old!

Madelynn turned 2 weeks old yesterday! She is sleeping pretty well and is becoming more alert during the day. We had her first doctor's appointment yesterday and she now weighs 7 pounds 11 ounces!  Wyatt and Tanner are completely in love with her and enjoy helping with anything they can!