Sunday, April 19, 2015

Madelynn is 9 Months!

Madelynn turned 9 months old yesterday.  She is not crawling yet but she spins around on her belly and rolls around everywhere.  She has mastered sitting up on her own.  She drinks a little bit from a sippy cup and loves to eat puffs.  She will be starting to eat more finger foods now. I can't believe in three months she will be one year old!  Here is a preview of her 9 month pictures we had taken.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Church and Brunch

On Easter morning we went to church and then to brunch.  It's our tradition to go to Camas Meadows for Easter brunch.  They always have an Easter egg hunt for the kids there.  The boys were excited to collect more eggs.  They each filled up their baskets with so many eggs we had to tell them they had enough! It was a very nice Easter with our family!


The night before Easter the kids left their baskets by the fire place for the Easter bunny. Wyatt and Tanner left the eggs they dyed for him too. In the morning they were so excited to see what the Easter bunny brought for them and find all the hidden eggs.  Madelynn was excited to see all the stuff in her basket too!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Our neighborhood had its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday.  The boys were so excited!  The weather was pretty nice and they each got lots of eggs.  Their favorite part was opening all the eggs and getting the candy as soon as we came home! :)

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art Class

I signed Wyatt and Tanner both up for an art class.  They go every Thursday morning to it.  They are really enjoying it so far.  Here are a couple of pictures I got from last weeks class.

Easter Bunny

We took the kids to see the Easter Bunny.  Tanner told me that he was going to give the Easter Bunny a hug and sit on his lap. He said he was getting bigger and getting braver and braver. When we got in line and he saw the bunny he started crying and didn't want to go by him.  After a lot of convincing we were able to get him to sit on the other side of the bench away from the bunny for a picture.  Wyatt of course ran and gave him a big hug and sat right by him.  Madelynn was not scared of him either but it took so long to get Tanner to sit down that she eventually had enough.