Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dyeing Easter eggs!

Egg Hunt

We missed the neighborhood egg hunt this year because the boys had Tball practice.  Jeff and I hid some eggs in our backyard for them to find.  They had lots of fun finding them all.  Madelynn was a little unsure of what we were doing and took some time to actually pick up some eggs.  After daddy showed her that there was candy inside then all she wanted to do was eat the candy!

Easter Bunny!

Everyone was so excited to see the Easter Bunny this year.  Madelynn was even blowing him kisses when we were waiting in line.  When it was our turn the boys ran right up to him and gave him a hug.  Madelynn did not like being up close to him at all.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Last week the boys and I made some muffins. Wyatt and Tanner love to bake.  Wyatt is getting good at cracking eggs. Tanners favorite part is mixing up the batter. It was funny watching them concentrate so hard when putting the batter in the baking cups! :)

Monster Jam

I'm pretty late with this one. On Valentines Day Jeff took the boys to see Monster Jam.  They absolutely loved it!  They still talk about how much fun it was.  They were excited because Blue Thunder won and they have a toy Blue Thunder monster truck at home. Here are a few of the pictures he took.