Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boo Bash!

Downtown Camas has trick or treating every year that they call boo bash.  My friend Rebecca and I take the kids every year.  Wyatt was a little unsure what was going on at first.  He kept staring at all the kids in their costumes.  It didn't take long for him to get the hang of it and was so proud of how much stuff was in his bag.  He even got some playdough and had to hold it the rest of the time. The kids had so much fun and got tons of candy!

My little Giraffe

My little Monkey and Giraffe

Brotherly love

Cayden, Avery, Auntie Becca and Emilyn

Emilyn was just so darn Cute!

Dairy Queen was giving out ice cream cones!

Mmmm ice cream!

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